IoT technology is ushering in a society where everything and everyone are connected. Batteries play a crucial role in supporting this digitalized society.

Why Customers Choose Panasonic Energy

Panasonic Energy's batteries serve as power sources for infrastructure applications that support the IoT network and have gained a reputation for safety and long life cycle. They maintain stable performance over long periods and help to reduce maintenance costs.

Extensive Line of Products

We offer a diverse line of batteries with a wide range of capacities for use as primary or backup power supply, depending on the performance requirements of end devices.

rich lineup

Superior Pulsed Discharge Characteristics

Our batteries exhibit superior pulsed discharge characteristics, which are important for ensuring stable communication for IoT devices and helping to build stable telecommunications networks.

discharge characteristics

Extensive Manufacturing Experience

Our technical expertise over the last 90 years allows us to manufacture superior batteries that steadily meet the market's needs.



Smart Meters

These IoT devices measure and transmit electricity, gas, and water usage in real time and are rapidly becoming essential infrastructure for streamlining utility systems.

smart mater

Smart Logistics

These revolutionary logistics systems incorporate AI and IoT devices, such as asset tracking sensors, environmental monitors, and RFID tags, powered by lithium batteries. They optimize distribution processes and ensure efficient operations in warehouses and transportation.

smart logistics

Price Tags (Electronic Shelf Labels)

Devices that display information like price electronically eliminate the work of replacing paper inventory tags and allow data to be updated in real time.

pricing tag