Industrial Equipment


With every passing year, the need to electrify industrial equipment grows more urgent as we work to decarbonize society. Panasonic Energy offers lithium ion batteries with the characteristics required by power supplies for construction and agricultural machinery.

Features of Panasonic Energy

High Capacity

Panasonic Energy ensures extended operating times for construction, agricultural and industrial machinery by high-capacity lithium ion batteries developed through years of technological innovation.

High energy

High Levels of Safety and Reliability

Panasonic Energy has built up a high level of safety and reliability by improving materials and processes to establish control technologies for the safe use of batteries.

High Safety

Long-term Reliability

Panasonic Energy batteries boast superior characteristics when it comes to the charge/discharge cycle that influences battery life. This allows them to deliver stable electric power output for long periods of time.



As battery experts, Panasonic Energy can offer battery modules, packs and battery control systems with the optimal safety design for your application.

pack-module batteries

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Lithium ion Batteries

Lithium ion batteries boast high energy density, light weight and long life cycles, leading to their usage in a wide array of consumer devices from power equipment and storage batteries to laptop computers.

lithium-ion batteries